21st Century Classroom

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Piñata, Piñata, Piñata

On the last day of school, we each got a whack at the Piñata, Piñata, Piñata, which was the song we sang at the Winter Concert.  Mrs. Recendez and Ms. Mangos wish everyone a fun and fabulous summer vacation.  See you next time!

We're polite in rooms 6 and 7:  Ladies First!

Boys turn:  Batter Up!

Go Ms. B.  We loved our student teacher, Ms. B.

Whack it Ms. Nancy!

Hit it Ms. Muñoz!

Whack it Ms. Mangos!

Get it Mrs. Recendez!

Our treat bags are ready to go!

We bid you a gentle goodby Mr. Piñata, Piñata, Piñata!