21st Century Classroom

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Mr. Lander Reads to Room 6

We are beginning our science unit on the Sun, Moon and Stars!

Mr. Lander is an exciting reader.

He knows how to engage the students to be active listeners and learners!

All the planets are labeled in the book.

This book is in our classroom library and you can read it during class time!

Thank you Mr. Lander, we are so happy that you are a volunteer in our classroom!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Origami with Mrs. Goodman

Fold an Origami Elephant helps bring awareness to the fact that 35,000 African elephants are killed each year for their tusks.  Ms. Goodman and boys and girls in our classes and from all over the country are hoping to break the Guinness Worlds Record for most origami elephants displayed (current record is 33,764).  

If you want to learn more about the challenge, click here to go to the Wildlife Conservation Website.

We are studying sequence in a story, here is what we did first, then, next, and last for this project:

First, Ms. Goodman read the book, Let's Save the Animals, by Frances Barry.

Then we made the origami elephants in a small group,

Next we shared the elephants with our class.

Last we created a circle map that charted why saving endangered elephants, and other endangered animals is important.

Here are the kids with their elephants!

Monday, September 5, 2016

Farmer Alex in the Classroom!

Farmer Alex brought fruits and vegetables from his farm to share with the students!

Farmers in the Classroom is part of the Nutrition Network Program at WHES.  Every month Nutrition Network sends us a box of fruit and/or vegetables to try.  Check out the blog archive to see the fruits and veggies we ate last year!  

I see delicious zucchini, apples, basil, eggplants, oranges, and peaches.  Not to mention the beautiful flowers!

I took the okra home and had it in a curry stir fry!

The first grade students got to sample the delicious farm produce.  Thank you Farmer Alex!  And Thank you Mrs. Jenkins, our Nutrition Network teacher for organizing it all!